Star of Bethlehem Bach Flower Essence
Star of Bethlehem is used to treat shock and distress and feelings of despondency of despair caused by the trauma of an accident or distressing news such as the loss of a loved one or serious illness.
Star of Bethlehem Bach flower essence soothes and calms people in extreme emotional distress and people who are numb from shock whose emotions have become blocked.
Star of Bethlehem can be used to restore harmony in people who are experiencing the following symptoms:
Feels sad and unhappy.
Unable to recover from bad news, accidents or other disappointments, these may date back to childhood and may be deep in the unconscious mind.
The trauma could be physical, emotional, mental or psychic and may be experienced with the same intensity where it was a recent trauma or historic.
Unable to be soothed or comforted despite comfort and reassurance being available.
May have an interest in magic and mysticism.
May have a history of drug abuse.
The essence of Star of Bethlehem can help to release the energy block and allow the natural energy to flow freely. People will notice this through changes in their behaviour and feelings.
Able to recover quickly from stressful situations.
Possesses inner strength.
Clear thinking.
Able to cope with change.
4 drops x 4 times per day preferably on an empty stomach.
Using a dropper to put the drops straight on or under the tongue.
Hold in the mouth for a few seconds before swallowing for maximum benefit.
Try not to let the dropper touch the tongue as this will transfer digestive enzymes back into the bottle.
If the symptoms are particularly acute you can increase the dosage to 4 drops every 10 – 30 minutes until you notice the symptoms improving.
Can be taken as often as it feels necessary but a minimum of 4 times per day to start feeling the benefits.
Alternatively, in acute cases you can add 2 drops to a drink, such as water or juice and sip frequently refilling as needed.
Note: Safe to use for babies, simply add the drops into the baby’s bottle.
It’s very rare for Flower Remedies to have any side effects, however in rare cases people can experience what is known as 'aggravation', this is simply that the original symptoms are temporarily intensified and you may feel worse for a short period of time before you start to notice benefits.